Take MathPup to the exit in each level. Tell MathPup to fetch numbers in the correct order to fill in the blanks in math problems. When all problems are filled in correctly, get the key to open the exit. In this version you will go through 25 challenging and exciting levels, solving equations with both positive and negative integers! If you run out of time, you can watch the entire ad to extend the time by 30 seconds! Use the arrow keys to move MathPup around the levels. Double jump by pressing the arrow keys again while MathPup is in the air. Press the R button on the screen to replay the level and the forward sign button at the end of a level to go to the next level
Use the arrow keys to move MathPup around the levels. Double jump by pressing the arrow keys again while MathPup is in the air. Press the R button on the screen to replay the level and the forward sign button at the end of a level to go to the next level